Protein dessert uppskript: Chia vanillu ostakaka

Protein dessert recipe: Chia vanilla cheesecake
protein dessert recipe, chiaa vanilla cheesecake, ingredientsProtein dessert recipe for chia vanilla cheesecake is very easy recipe. If you hace primary kitchen tools You will make It easy.

Protein dessert recipe – Ingredients:

Ingredients for cheesecake:
  • 250g of lean cottage cheese
  • 3(3x250g) packs of greek light yogurt
  • stevia
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • 40g of chia seeds
  • 40g of vanilla protein shake Whey 100
  • 25g of gelatin
Ingredients for icing:
  • 500g of strawberries

Protein dessert recipe – How to make it:

protein dessert recipe, ingredients, chia vanilla cheesecake1. Add to one bowl lean cottage cheese, greek light yogurt, stevia, vanilla extract, chia seeds, protein shake Whey 100, gelatin dissolved in 200 ml of hot water.protein dessert recipe, chia vanilla cheese cake, ingredients2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly then spread dough into mold lined with baking paper. Put the mold into the fridge for about 1 hour.protein dessert recipe, chia vanilla cheesecake, ingredients3. Menawhile prepare starwberries icing. Pour washed and mixed strawberries into the pot and reduce it over low heat.protein dessert recipe, chia vannila cheesecake, ingredients4.At the end, remove the cheesecake from the refrigerator, spread it on a plate and pour the strawberry sauce.

Protein dessert recipe – Nutrition value in 1 of 8 pieces:

  • Proteins – 17,6g
  • Fats – 5,5g
  • Carbohydrates – 6,5g
  • 146 kcal